
Grimdark now available on Amazon

Just a brief update on the Grimdark anthology from Black Hare Press… This is now available on in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover formats. My story “The Weight of One” has a lot of amazing company in this one.

The Antihumanist – 4th Edition

Also from the should-have-mentioned-this-a-month ago file (big file, that)… The Antihumanist – 4th Edition is now available for free download, containing my short story “Walk.” The PDF version of this issue is available here:

Ctrl Alt Del: Drabbles 2 (Revelations) now out

A bit late in getting this up here, but if you’re into small bites of machines going bad, check out Black Ink Fiction’s Ctrl Alt Del: Drabbles 2 (Revelations), which contains my story “Truce.” If you’re interested in buying a copy and supporting this great publisher, you can do so at Thanks to Brandi Hicks and Shelly Jarvis for pulling together this great collection!

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